
Saturday, January 17, 2009



A special meeting of the Board of Supervisors was held at the Court house in Toulon on Monday, the first day of June, 1863.

Supervisors present, - Milton Atherton, of West Jersey; Joseph Atherton, of Goshen; Wm. M. Butler of Essex; Brady Fowler, of Toulon; Charles Stuart of Elmira; James M. Rogers of Valley; Samuel G. Avery, of Penn, and John Lackie, of Osceola.

John Lackie was chosen Chairman of the Board for the ensuing year.

The several supervisors made report of the amount of orders drawn since their last meeting on the “Military Relief Fund” of their respective townships, to aid the families of soldiers; which said amounts were ordered to be paid out of said fund, to wit:

West Jersey township............... $71,50
Goshen.............. “...................... 20,00
Essex................. “...................... 39,00
Toulon............... “...................... 88,00
Elmira................ “.................... 108,00
Valley................ “...................... 62,00
Penn.................. “.................... 103,75
Osceola............. “.................... 152,52

Amount of orders drawn on Treasurer and payable to the persons below named:

Liberty Stone.............................. $2,00
David McCance......................... 12,00
S. S. Kayshier............................ 35,00
P. & J. Nowlan.............................. ,80
P. M. Blair................................. 22,00
B. F. Fuller................................. 65,00
Culver, Page & Hoyne................ 58,00
Hewes White................................ 4,90
Nelson Prout.............................. 16,00
Wm. Nowlan................................ 2,00
H. Willett.................................... 13,27
Henry M. Rogers.......................... 2,00
E. G. Hill.................................... 18,00
S. M. Dewey & Co...................... 2,00
Hannah M. Rouse....................... 63,00
Pierce and Chamberlain................ 3,00
Jacob Emery................................ 2,00
Joseph Makings............................ 8,25
C. M. S. Lyon.............................. 2,00
Joel S. Wilson.............................. 4,00
Miles A. Fuller.......................... 125,00
Milton Atherton............................ 2,00
Joseph Atherton........................... 2,00
Wm. H. Butler.............................. 2,00
Brady Fowler............................... 2,00
Charles Stuart............................... 2,00
James M. Rogers.......................... 2,00
Samuel G. Avery.......................... 2,00
John Lackie.................................. 4,00
..................................................... 474,42

Francis D. Hotchkiss, keeper of the County Poor Farm, presented an account for keeping paupers, amounting to two hundred and four dollars and twelve cents, which was approved and ordered paid; and the Clerk was ordered to draw an order on the Treasure for payment – first deducting fifty dollars, the amount of rent due the County on said farm, for three months past.

Wm. Lawman presented one coupon for interest on Railroad Bonds, of sixty dollars, due July 31st, 1861, which was ordered to be paid.

Claudius Jones presented twenty-two coupons for interest on Railroad Bonds, of sixty dollars each amounting to thirteen hundred and twenty dollars, due July 31st, 1862. Ordered that the Clerk draw an order for that amount to said Jones, payable March 1st, 1864.

Ordered that the Board proceed to collect from David Rouse and John Rouse the amount for which they are liable for failure to provide for the support of their father, Paul Rouse, Sen., when notified to do so.

Ordered that Dr. Wm. Chamberlain be appointed County Physician.

Mr. Fowler moved that two hundred dollars be appropriated to aid in building a bridge across Spoon River, on the road leading from Toulon to Wyoming, and two hundred dollars to aid in building a bridge across Spoon River near Fuller’s Mill.

Motion Lost.

Nelson Prout made proposals to furnish the Court house and Jail with coal for the ensuing winter, at nine cents per bushel, which proposals were accepted by the Board.

Mr. Rogers moved that the sum of six dollars be paid as a bounty to each person being a resident of this County who enlisted in the military service of the United States under the first calls of the President for volunteers; and the sum of fifty dollars to each person; being a resident as aforesaid, who enlisted in the said service under the calls of the President for six hundred thousand additional volunteers., - whether such person enlisted in companies formed in this County or not: Provided such person has received no other bounty than that offered by the General Government.

On motion it is ordered that the consideration of the forgoing motion be postponed until the next meeting of this Board, and that the several Supervisors ascertain the names and number of persons entitled to bounties under the foregoing motion, and report the same to the next meeting of this Board.

Adjourned until the second Monday of September.

Attest, MILES A FULLER, County Clerk

– Published in the Stark County News, Toulon, Illinois, Thursday, June 4, 1863

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