
Saturday, February 14, 2009

7th Iowa Cavalry

Organized at Davenport April 27 to July 13, 1863, Companies "A" to "H." Company "I" organized as Sioux City Cavalry November 14, 1861, and three Companies organized for 41st Iowa Battalion assigned as Companies "K," "L" and "M." Regiment moved to Omaha, Neb., June, 1863, and assigned to duty at various points in Nebraska and Dakota, as garrison, guarding lines of telegraph and travel, escorting trains and protecting Emigrants, having frequent combats with Indians in the Departments of Missouri, Kansas and the Northwest. Sully's Expedition against hostile Sioux Indians August 13-September 11, 1863. Actions at Whitestone HIll September 3 and 5. Niobrara December 4, 1863 (1 Co.). Sully's Expedition against hostile Sioux Indians July 25-October 8, 1864. Actions at Tah kah a kuty July 25. (Cos. "K" and "M"). Two Hills, Bad Lands, Little Missouri River, August 8 (Cos. "K" and "M"). Scout on Smoky Hill Fork, Kansas, August 1-5 (Co. "H"). Smoky Hill Crossing August 16 (Co. "H"). Operations against Indians in Nebraska August 11-November 24, 1864. Fort Cottonwood August 28 and September 18 (Co. "B"). Near Fort Cottonwood September 20. Detachment of Company "C." Operations against Indians in Nebraska and Colorado Territories September 29-November 30 (1st Battalion). Cow Creek near Fort Zarah December 4 (Detachment). Julesburg, Indian Territory, January 7, 1865 (Co. "F"). Rush Creek February 8 (Co. "D"). Mud Springs February 8-9. Rush Creek February 9. Boyd's Station June 3 (Co. "E"). Cow Creek Station, Kansas, June 12 (Co. "O"). Horse Creek, Dakota Ter., June 14 (Cos. "B" and "D"). Tongue River August 29 (Co. "F"). Duty on the plains till June, 1866. Mustered out June 22, 1866.

Killed and mortally wounded 1 Officer 29 Enlisted men; by disease 1 Officer 93 Enlisted men. Total 124.

SOURCE: Dyer , Frederick H., A Compendium Of The War Of The Rebellion, Part 3, p. 1162-3

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