
Friday, February 27, 2009

Andy Johnson and the City Council of Nashville

Gov. Johnson issued a proclamation at Nashville on the 7th, using the name of the Mayor, Aldermen, and the Council, and stating that they had refused to take the oath of allegiance to the United States, and the Governor proceeds to define their condition, and prescribe the remedy as follows:

They now refuse to come forward and be qualified according to law, by taking the oath prescribed in the 10th Article, Section 1st, of the Constitution of the State of Tennessee, and therein have manifested such disloyalty and enmity to the Government of the United States as renders it unsafe for the public good that they should exercise the functions of the offices aforesaid. Now, therefore, I, Andrew Johnson; Governor of the State of Tennessee, by virtue of the power and authority in my vested do declare the aforesaid offices vacant, and said persons above mentioned are hereby enjoined from exercising the functions of said offices or performing any of the duties thereof, or receiving the emoluments of the same, from this day.

And the following named persons are hereby appointed and commissioned, after being duly qualified to perform the duties of said offices as required by law, and receive the profits and emoluments thereof until their successors are elected, respectively as follows, to-wit:

Councilman for 1st Ward – Wm. Roberts.
Alderman for 2d Ward – Jno. H. Smith.
Councilman for 2d Ward – Chas Walker.
Alderman for 3d Ward – G. A. J. Mayfield.
Councilman for 3d Ward – K. J. Morris.
Alderman for 4th Ward – W. M. Monahan.
Councilmen for 4th Ward – Lewis Hough and M Burns.
Councilmen for 5th Ward – Joseph B. Knowles and W. P. Jones.
Alderman for 6th Ward – M. M. Brien.
Councilmen for 6th Ward – T. J. Yarbrough and Wm. Driver.
Alderman for 7th Ward – M. G. L. Claiborne.
Councilman for 7th ward – Wm. Stewart.
Alderman for 8th Ward – Jos. C. Smith.
Councilman for 8th Ward – James Cavert.

By order of Governor,

Edward H. East., Sec’y of State.
Nashville, April 7, 1862.

– Published in the Burlington Weekly Hawk-Eye, Saturday, April 19, 1862

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