
Sunday, February 1, 2009

By a private letter from . . .

. . . the 16th Iowa we learn that A. A. McDowell, 1st Sergeant of Co. E, was killed, and W. S. Stafford, of the same company was severely wounded in the arm, in the battle of Pittsburg Landing.


A telegraph office has been opened at Pittsburg Landing, Tenn. Charges on messages of ten words or under $2.20, and 22 cents each additional word.


Several letters received yesterday say that neither Capt. Brydolf nor Lieut. Halliday are dangerously wounded.


The Ponbina passed up yesterday having on board a few wounded returning from the Pittsburgh battle, among them Col. Hare of the 11th, wounded in the hand, Lieut. Shurtz of Iowa City, of company H, Iowa 18th, shot through the leg below the knee, one of the bones being fractured. While here Dr. Henry dressed his wound. The name of the others, only slightly wounded, we did not learn.


TOO BAD.– Some villain has stolen the scissors Editorial of the Linn County Register, and the Editor is left disconsolate to get along the best way he can.

– Published in the Burlington Daily Hawk-Eye, Burlington, Iowa, Saturday, April 19, 1862

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