
Tuesday, February 17, 2009

From Gen. Osterhaus’ Column

{Correspondence Missouri Democrat.}

ROCK HOUSE CREEK, MO., - April 6. – The advance guard of our army under Gen. Osterhaus encamped at this point last evening, having marched 84 miles from their old campground at Cross Timbers.

The people in this vicinity are mostly Union – there being no secessionist on the road from Cassville to Flat creek. I stopped with a Union man and found several of his neighbors present and all anxious to be informed whether our army was going to leave them to the tender mercies of the secessionists; they said no money could hire them to endure the constant annoyance submitted to last summer; they were obliged to leave their families and seek shelter for themselves for days and weeks in the bush, to get out of reach of the rebels. Bands of scouts frequently came down from Cassville and would rob men of everything in their houses, bread, bacon, &c., and if they caught the owner he would be taken to Cassville under a strong guard. In consequence of the uncertainties of the future and unquiet state of the country, but few, if any are making any preparations to put in crops. Farms are laid waste and fences burned up along the main road, and Union men are discouraged. The secessionists have mostly gone south with their negroes. Some people have not only abandoned the idea of planting crops, but are getting their wagons out intending to forsake all and emigrate to a place of safety.

The wounded are doing well at Cassville, the court house and stores are being used as hospitals. It is a fortunate circumstance for them that the owners of the principal buildings had stampeded from the town on the 30th.

An expedition consisting of cavalry and two mountain howitzers repaired to the country about Huntsville. At the latter place it was found that a force of rebel cavalry whom we intended to nag, had made good their escape.

The flag planted by Gen. Curtis at Keltsville, was subsequently torn down, but was recently brought in, and when last seed was floating over the Provost Marshall’s office at Cassville.

– Published in the Burlington Weekly Hawk-Eye, Burlington, Iowa, Saturday, April 19, 1864

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