
Tuesday, February 24, 2009

June 12, 1862.--Skirmish at Waddell's Farm, near Village Creek, Ark.

Report of Col. Albert G. Brackett, Ninth Illinois Cavalry.

Camp Tucker, near Junction of Black and White Rivers, June 12, 1862.

GENERAL: It gives me great pleasure to report to you that I have this afternoon had a most successful fight with the rebels. This morning I sent out a train of 36 wagons for the purpose of getting corn and bacon at the Waddell farm, near Village Creek, Jackson County, Arkansas. I sent as an escort parts of four companies of the Ninth Regiment of Illinois Cavalry, under Major Humphrey.

The farm is about 5 miles from Jacksonport, and when the train was within about half a mile of it my men were suddenly attacked by a large force of the enemy. Major Humphrey, seeing his command was too weak to cope with the rebels, sent word to me to join him as soon as possible with re-enforcements. I started with two companies of Bowen's battalion, with two small howitzers. I found the train halted in the road about half a mile from the farm, and the enemy in strong force in front, shooting at my men and occasionally exchanging shots. I removed the fence on the right and unlimbered the howitzers in the road, and then formed Companies A, M, K, and C, Ninth Illinois Cavalry, under Captains Burgh, Knight, Cameron, and Blakemore, on the right in a cotton field, with orders to charge the enemy as soon as Lieutenant Madison, of Bowen's Battalion, should fire the howitzers, which were supported and defended by Captain Williams and Lieutenant Ballou, of Bowen's cavalry battalion. I fired two shots directly into the enemy, when the four companies of the Ninth Illinois Cavalry rode forward with drawn sabers, and made the finest cavalry charge I ever witnessed. The enemy was scattered in every direction, being completely routed and broken up. I continued to fire several rounds into Waddell's building and then advanced upon it with Captain Blakemore's company. I then filled my 36 wagons with corn and bacon, and returned to this post, arriving after dark.

Captain Cameron behaved with the greatest gallantry, as did his company, K, Ninth Regiment Illinois Cavalry. I must particularly recommend to your notice the conduct of Major Humphrey, Captains Burgh, Knight, Cameron, Cowen, Blakemore, and Perkins, Lieutenants Benton, Hillier, Shear, Conn, Butler, and Smith, and First Sergeant Clark, of the Ninth Illinois Cavalry, and Captain Williams, Lieutenants Madison and Ballou, and First Sergeant Miller, of Bowen's cavalry battalion. My thanks are due to Surg. James W. Brackett for his care of the wounded, and to Battalion Adjutant Blackburn, Quartermaster Price, and Sergt. Maj. George A. Price, Ninth Illinois Cavalry.

The enemy lost 28 in killed, wounded, and prisoners. Private Hutsell, of Hooker's company, one of the prisoners, is mortally wounded. Captain Shuttlesworth, in command of Hooker's company, is also wounded. My loss was 1 taken prisoner by the enemy and 12 wounded, all of Company K, Ninth Illinois Cavalry.(*)

I am, sir, very respectfully, your obedient servant,

Colonel Ninth Illinois Cavalry, Commanding.


* Nominal list ommitted.

SOURCE: Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies, Series 1, Vol. 13, Serial 19, p. 122-3

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