
Tuesday, February 3, 2009

List of Wounded Iowa Soldiers in Hospital at Mound City

Emeroy Sperry, 3d, Co. B.; McAllister, 13th, Co. F; Jacob Freduck, 8th, Co. H.; Peter Kounts, 6th, Co D; John A. Hughes, 11th Co. D; John W. Sullivan, 2d Co F; Stephen Cousins, 3d, Co A; Louis Castor, 13th, Co D; Joseph R. Hall, 3d Co G; Gratus Nuddel, 6th Co D, badly; L Stahl, 15th Co K; S. Griffin, 12, Co K; H. McGatherson, 3d, Co D; John Mackly, 2d, Co A; Stephen Smith, 13th Co A; Jesse Hampton, 13th, Co–; Martin Reanlon, 13th, Co H; John Angle, 8th, Co D; Isaac K Story, 8th, Co K; J. Thompson, 8th, Co K; William W. Walson, 8th, Co K; Benj F. Barton, 8th, Co E; Leonard Kinkead, 8th Co E; Chas. Bryan, 6th, Co A; Michael Kelly, 13th, Co K; Jansie Sharkley, 8th, Co F; J. Moore, 3d, Co B; Joseph Hart, – Co F; George Ready, 6th, Co G; Henry M. Howe, 6th Co A; D Burkley, 15th, Co I; Old Walson, 12th, Co G; John Dougale, 8th, Co A; John A. Hufford, 6th, Co H; John Milton, 14th, Co E; Wm. H. Robinson, 2d, Co A; Joseph Dwelt, 13th, Co C; Wald Filton, 14th, Co K; Edwin Clark, 13th, Co E; Lt. B R Sherman, 13th, Co E; Lt. Elliott Shurtz, 13th, Co H; Patrick Boyle, 16th, Co G; Grotos N. Udell, 6th, Co D; Wm. C. Chambers, 3rd, Co E; Fred Tillay, 2d, Co I; Joseph Clonky, 2d, Co I; Thomas B. Baker, 6th, Co E; Solomon Kellogg, 6th, Co E; John Duncan 2d, Co E; James Gardner, 8th, Co B; Lt. David J. Crage, 8th, Co H; Joseph R. Hall, 3d Co G; Thomas J Newport, 6th, Co C; Whittaker Hayne, 8th, Co B; Herman D. St. John, 2nd, Co G; George W. Simmons, 11th, Co C; Wilson Simmons, 11th, Co C.

The Following is a list of the wounded brought to Cairo by the steamer Louisana:

Third – Co D, R O Crandall, P B. Holverson; Co H, Patrick Larkin; Co G, W H Swan; Co A, – Newson.

Fourth – Co A, J B Caraway.

Sixth – Co E, Thos Smith, H S Sewall; Co G, JamesCalhoon; Co H, Wm Spain; Co B, E R Clark; Co H, J T Lynn.

Twelth – Co K, John Moulton, F Keyser; Co E, Benj Eberhart, A Biller, Jacob Howley, C Johnson; Co F, A Crippen, Joseph Pate; Co B, Connell Denny; Co C, Wm Giring; Co D, Isaac G Clark, Serg J M Clark; R Caldwell, E H Bailey; Co F, Samuel Witenberg; Co H, W W Crist; Co K, G W Garrity; Co G, Jas Brown, A S Fuller, Co F, Samuel Weatherby; Co E, J Harvey; Co F, C J Johnson; Co D, Isaac G Clark.

Sixteenth – Co E, C Veal.

Eleventh, Killed – Co A. Wm Fielding, John Jodike, Geo Calender; Co I, Geo Daniels; Co H, Henry Ady; Co E, John Compton. Wounded – Col. Hare, Lieut Col Hall; Major Abercrombie; Co F, Lieut Moss.

– Published in the Burlington Weekly Hawk-Eye, Burlington, Iowa, Saturday, April 19, 1862

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