
Tuesday, February 10, 2009


Burlington, Friday p.m.

The weather after a rainy week is again pleasant – how long it will remain so is uncertain. The roads are very bad and little coming to town by wagon. The river is again rising at this point rapidly, and a large rise is coming down. Millers are in want of grain, and we advance our quotations for spring wheat to 58, winter to 70c.

SUGAR – 9@10 – crushed, 12, refined white 11 ½c; clarified 11c.
COFFEE – 20@22c.
MOLASSES – by the bbl., reboiled, 40; syrup, 45; kegs $4.50. Sorghum 25@30c.
NAILS – Ass.,$3 7c@4.
RICE – 8@9c.
FRUIT – Raisins, prime, new $4.50
BROOMS – $1.25@1 50 per dozen.
FLOUR – Wholesale $4.50 to $5.00; Spring $4.00@$4.55
WHEAT – Spring, 50@55, choice 58; Winter 60@70 firm.
CORN – 15c.
RYE – 25c.
BEANS – 75c@$1.00 per bush.
POTATOES – 25@30c per bush.
OATS – 20c.
BUTTER – 10@12 ½c.
EGGS – 5c.
CHICKENS – 90@$1.25 per doz.
ONIONS – 25c. – no market.
HAY – Timothy,$7@$9
WOOD – $2.50@$3.00
HIDES – Green 4½c; Dry Flint 11@12½c; Green Salted 5½c.
GREEN CALF SKINS – 5c.; salted, 6@7c.
SHEEP PELTS – 35@100.
WHISKEY – 20@22c.
LARD – 4@6c.per lb. in bbl.
APPLES – 30@50c.
DRIED APPLES – 6@7c. per lb.
TIMOTHY SEED – $1.25 to $1.50 per bush.
HUNGARIAN GRASS SEED – 15@25c bush. No Sale.
CLOVER SEED – $4.75@5.50
FLAX SEED – prime, $1.25@$1.50
CORN MEAL – 25c per bush.
BACON – hams 4@50c; shoulders 3@4 cents; side 5c.
RAGS – 1½c per lb.

– Published in the Burlington Daily Hawk-Eye and Burlington Weekly Hawk-Eye, Burlington, Iowa, both published on Saturday, April 19, 1862

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