
Thursday, February 5, 2009

A New Move on James River

Hancock’s corps went on board transports at City Point, on the 15th, and going down the river till dark, they then returned and landed up the river 12 miles from Richmond. The same evening the 10 corps, under cover of darkness crossed to the north side of the James River.

It is supposed that the object of this move is to destroy the pontoon bridges above Fort Darling, belonging to the rebels, so that Lee cannot transfer his army to the north side of the river without going by way of Manchester, some 20 miles.

A later report says that the 2nd corps has routed a large force of the enemy at Dutch Gap, capturing [500] prisoners and several pieces of artillery.

– Published in The Union Sentinel, Osceola, Iowa, Saturday, August 20, 1864

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