
Thursday, February 26, 2009

Skirmish at Waddell Farm: Jacksonport "Cavalier" Account.

Jacksonport, Ark., June 13, 1862.

Yesterday an engagement took place between a portion of the United States forces, stationed near this place, and the confederates known in this vicinity as "Hooker's company," about three hundred strong.

In the morning a train of thirty-six wagons was sent out by Col. Brackett, for the purpose of getting corn and bacon at the Waddcll farm, near Village Creek, with an escort of parts of four companies (K, M, D and C,) of the Ninth Illinois cavalry, under Major Humphrey. The farm is about five miles distant from Jacksonport, and when the train was within about one half mile from it, the advance-guard (company K, Capt Cameron) were suddenly attacked by a large force of the enemy. This attack on the part of the enemy was gallantly resisted by Capt. Cameron and his command, who made, in his retreat before greatly superior numbers, several stands, firing upon and wounding and killing several of the enemy, until he had fallen back to the main body, where there seemed, by common consent, to be a cessation of fighting for some considerable time — Major Humphrey deeming his command insufficient to charge upon the enemy successfully, without sacrificing the lives of his men, which could be easily avoided by waiting a little while for reinforcements from Camp Tucker, sent for at the firing of the first volley by the enemy.

Two hours after the attack upon the train advance-guard, Col. Brackett was at the Waddcll farm, having crossed Black River by ferry with two companies of Bowen's battalion, Missouri volunteers, and two small howitzers. He found the forage train in the road halted, and the enemy in force in front, shouting and jeering at our men with that profusencss of obscenity and blasphemous profanity for which the chivalrous, high-toned confederate troops are distinguished. The rest of the fight, outside of their braggadocio, was of very few moments' duration. Two shots from the howitzers, and a brilliant charge of four companies, A, M, K and C, of the Ninth Illinois cavalry, upon the enemy, and. he was seen plying both spur and whip to his fleet animals, seeking a safe refuge from the glittering sabres and determined hearts and heads, and strong arms, that were in hot pursuit.

The result of the skirmishes throughout, was to the enemy, in killed, wounded and prisoners in our hands, twenty-eight, so far as we can learn, though Capt Cameron's men think the figure too low.

On our side, we have a loss of one taken prisoner by the enemy and twelve wounded, two of them seriously. The following is a list of those wounded and missing on our side:

Wounded.—Corporal Joseph O. H. Spinney, Corporal Judson H. Waldo; privates, William Luce, badly, Joseph Chamberlain, Thomas A. Foster, James Sherlock, Oscar D. Herrick, John R. Wilder, Hiram D. Sturm, William Farnsworth, James Kelley, Frank Doyle, all of com pany K.

Missing. — Private Harvey Strong, company K, Ninth Illinois cavalry, a prisoner in the hands of the enemy.

Thirty-six wagons went out — thirty-eight returned, laden with corn, bacon, flour, vinegar, etc.

Col. Brackett speaks in the highest terms of the conduct of Major Humphrey of tho Ninth Illinois cavalry, Capt Williams, and Lieuts. Madison and Ballou, and First Sergeant Miller, of Bowen's Missouri cavalry battalion ; as also of Capts. Burgh, Knight, Cowen, Blakemore and Perkins, and Lieuts. Benton, Hillier, Shear, Conn, Butler and Smith; Battalion-Adjutant Blackburn, and Sergeant-Major George A. Price; and especially of First Sergeant Clark, of company K, Ninth Illinois cavalry.

Dr. James A. Brackett, Surgeon of the Ninth, was promptly on the ground with all the proper appliances for the comfort of the wounded, and Quartermaster Price, of the same regiment, (always ready for duty,) was " on hand " looking after the material interests of Uncle Sam.

It has been said by some military men, that cavalry are ineffective in the field. We would have been pleased to have had a few spectators of that mind at the scene of action yesterday. The men were ordered by Col. Brackett to put up their revolvers and take their sabres. It was in every respect a cavalry charge.

The four companies were drawn up in line of battle, in a cotton-field, and when the order for the charge was given, away went the men of the gallant Ninth, with sabres raised, at top of speed, but preserving perfect lines, and with such shouts as only troopers give. The "bandits " were dismayed, and without even firing a shot fled in every direction, scattered like chaff before the wind.

Company D, Ninth Illinois cavalry, Capt Cowen, were placed in charge of the train during the fight, and are entitled to great credit for the faithful performance of that kind of duty — when all were eager and anxious to be in the fray.

Source: Moore, Frank, Editor, The Rebellion Record: A Diary of American Events, Vol. 5, p. 191-2

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