
Monday, February 16, 2009


{From Thursday’s Hawk-Eye}

Gen. Butler is reported to be cutting a canal through Dutch gap – in the direction of the enemy which will compel the rebs to extend their line of defenses four miles – that is, this distance will be saved to us. The canal, which is to be 150 yeards long, secures to us several miles of water course on James River.

The Times Washington special says Sheridan had pushed his advance from Winchester to Strasburg. Early reteated from that point westward. It is believed to be Sheridan’s intention to head him off and envelope him between two foces; but as it is now positively assertained that Lee has sent at least 20,000 men to reinforce the column in the [valley], it will probably be a stout [contest] for the possession of that region.

[Gen.] Palmer has by his own request [been releived] of the command of the 14th [missing text] corps.

[Missing text] part of Kentucky lying west of [the Cumberland] river has been added to the [missing text] [department] of Ohio, and placed under [the command] of Gen. Burbridge, who will, [under the directions] of Gen. Schofield, exercise the functions of department commander.

– Published in The Union Sentinel, Osceola, Iowa, Saturday, August 20, 1864

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