
Sunday, March 22, 2009

From Havana and Mexico

NEW YORK, April 16. – The steamer Columbia from Havana, 30th.

Confederate buyers were much chagrined that no powder was at Havana – [805] pounds sold at 75 cents per pound. It would bring a dollar or morn on the 12th.

Dates from Vera Cruz are the 1st, of Mexico to the 28th.

Vice Admiral Jurin was recalled.

Gen. Robles was executed on the 23d for treason.

President Juarez demanded that Almonte be given up. The French refused.

Comonfort has been appointed by Juarez military governor of the State of Tamaulipas.

The steamer Philadelphia Havana on the 10th, from Fort Pickens, brought nine refugees and one sutler from the rebel camp who ran away, taking one hundred thousand dollars in gold and a large amount in Confederate scrip.

Only five hundred rebel soldiers were at Pensacola.

Fort McRea had been abandoned.

The Fort at the eastern end of Santa Rosa Island had been taken by Union troops.

Peace had been restored in Honduras.

– Published in the Burlington Weekly Hawk-Eye, Burlington, Iowa, Saturday, April 19, 1862

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