
Thursday, March 19, 2009

Halleck’s Letter to Rosecrans

Washington, Jan. 9. – General Halleck has dispatched the following to Gen. Rosecrans:

Headquarters of the Army,
Washington, D.C. Jan. 9.

To Major General Rosecrans.
Commanding Army of Cumberland:

GENERAL: – Rebel accounts fully confirmed your telegram from the battle field. The victory was well earned, and is one of the most brilliant of the war. You and your brave army have won the gratitude of your country and the admiration of the world. The field of Murfreesboro is made historical and future generations will point out where so many heroes fell gloriously in defence of the Constitution and the Union.

All Honor to the Army of the Cumberland.

Thanks to the living, and tears for the dead.


H. W. Halleck,

– Published in the Zanesville Daily Courier, Zanesville, Ohio, Saturday, January 10, 1863

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