
Thursday, March 26, 2009

Letter from Adjt. King

Hedq’r’s 15th Iowa Infantry,
In The Line, Big Shanty, Ga.
June 18th, 1864

Mr. Caverly: –

If a few items in pencil, written under difficulties, in the rain, in the mud, under rebel fire, lying on the ground will be of interest to you and the readers of “The Sentinel,” they are freely given.

The 17th A. C. under command of gen. F. H. Blair, arrived at Ackworth, Ga., the then Headquarters of Gen. McPherson, on the 8th inst., from Huntsville, Ala., having started on the 25th of may. The distance traveled is about two hundred miles. The country is rough, stony, and mountainous; full of creeks and rivers, poor beyond conception. The marching was exceedingly difficult, and officers and men very much worn down thereby.

At Rome, on the 5th inst., we had the pleasure of meeting with Capts. Bennett and others of the 39th Iowa, stationed at that point. Judging from appearances, they enjoy soldiering very well and seem inclined to make the best of hard times. Arriving at our destination, we met. Lieut. Alden and others of the 6th Iowa, and Miles Christy and Homewood of the 8th Iowa Cavalry, all looking well and hearty.

Our corps at once took position on the left of the grand army, and until the present we have been realizing all the trials and dangers pertaining to soldiering, in the face of a defiant, able and energetic foe. On the 15th inst., a general advance of the whole like was made. The fighting was quite severe on both sides, and sometimes raged with terrible fury. Lieut. Grimes, 6th Iowa, was killed in this movement. Our Reg. was fortunate in having no casualties whatever. At midnight the 15th and 13th were thrown forward half a mile in advance to entrench and hold a new position in close proximity to the Rebel lines. The work was completed long before day on the 16th in good style. The firing here was very hot throughout the day, and it seems almost miraculous that no one was killed or seriously wounded. The following were wounded slightly that day: Privates E. H. Nordyke and C. E. Furgerson, Co. A; J. Moss, Co. D; Pat. Murphy, Co. H; O. P. Fleming, Co. I. These men are so slightly wounded as not to be off duty at all.

At 8 P.M. the Regiment was relieved from duty at that point and took up a new position a quarter of a mile to the left, which position it still holds. The weather is cold, wet and disagreeable. The mud is almost without limit. Health is good, duty of all kinds abundant. But, it rains hard, harder, hardest, and I must close.

E. H. King

JUNE 19th. – Since writing the above dispatches have been received stating that Gen. Thomas’ army moved upon the enemy’s left center breaking it, and gaining a position in the rear. In consequence thereof, all the troops have marching orders, and are ready for any movement. Hard fighting is now progressing on the right and left of our position, consequent upon forward movements along the front of Gen. McPherson’s army. In our immediate front, the enemy have abandoned their first line of works, which are now in possession of our troops. The rain though pouring in torrents, does not impede the progress or ferocity of the conflict. At present it is impossible to determine the final result of movements now being made, but the tide is immensely in our favor now, and we feel confident our good fortune will continue.

– Published in The Union Sentinel, Osceola, Iowa, Saturday, July 2, 1864

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