
Sunday, March 8, 2009

List of Wounded Iowa Soldiers

The following is a list of the wounded Iowa soldiers from the Pittsburg battle field, brought up by the steamer Crescent City to St. Louis:

P Kinny, co F, 12th Iowa, face; W A Gordon, co H, 11th Iowa, thigh; J M Allen, co H, 11th Iowa; K S Miller, co I, 11th Iowa, arm; J. H. Ribley, co H, 11th Iowa, thigh; T G Lewis, Co H, 11th Iowa, shoulder; B K Winter, co H, 11th Iowa, arm and leg; J Tolmer, co H, 11th Iowa; J H Hess, co B, 6th Iowa, right side; John Locard, co C, 6th Iowa, left side; A Wilson, co K, 6th Iowa, pneumonia; A M Smith, co H, 6th Iowa arm and body; Geo Godfrey, co H, 3rd Iowa, thigh; Wm S Whitmore, co E, 6th Iowa, thigh; H Junes, co B, 12th Iowa, thigh; O Adams, co B, 12th Iowa, forearm; Wm Maynard, co B, 12th Iowa, shoulder; C S Swain, co A, 12th Iowa, breast; Alex Presho, co A, 12th Iowa, Leg; Geo Heart co F, 13th Iowa, forearm; F. Elliott, , co H, 7th Iowa, side; Thos Nelson, co F, 12th Iowa, hand; G Eaton, co I, 12th Iowa, hand; Jas Cobb, co I, 12th Iowa, back; A. T Garland, co H, 12th Iowa, sick; C E Christman, co E, 11th Iowa, left arm; A J Campbell, co C, 11th Iowa, right arm; Liet G W Barr, co G, 12th Iowa, right arm; Lieut Lewis Bond, co B, 16th Iowa, left leg; E A Ward, co H, 12th Iowa, legs; J Castor, co H, 16th Iowa, right thigh, J. M Seargent, co A [13th] Iowa, right ankle; W D Carpenter co F, 16th, Iowa, sick; J W Scranton, co F 16th Iowa, arm; Sergt J L Cook, co K, 6th Iowa, jaw; J A Clark, co G, 6th Iowa, shoulders; H P Carpenter, co F, 16th Iowa, left leg; W H H Renfro, co F, 16th Iowa, head; J Houbicke, co B, 15th Iowa, left knee; J. W Mc Donald, co E, -th Iowa, left thigh, slight; T H Summers co E, 14th Iowa right shoulder, J H Clark, co E 14th Iowa, right arm; J H Waddle, co E, 14th Iowa, right leg, slight; S P Plummer, co A, 6th, Iowa, right arm; Sergt W K Arnold, co K, 6th Iowa both thighs; Lieut M B Burton, co B, 8th Iowa, sick; M Rolf, co I, 12th Iowa, sick; L Park, co I, 12th Iowa, sick; B L Foot, co G, 6th Iowa, thigh; Thos McKenry, co K, 8th Iowa groin, flesh, severe; Isaac Cooper, co K, 11th Iowa, ball through thigh; P M Crow, co H, 8th Iowa, arm; J B Somers, co D, 6th Iowa, leg; G F Stratton, co D, 9th Iowa, hand; J K Morey, co D, 6th Iowa, leg; Clark Trip, co F, 6th Iowa, left arm; Corp Andrew Byers, co F 6th Iowa, right knee, J B Tiechnor, co B, 8th Iowa, thigh, Liut E Tichner, co B, 8th Iowa, M W Stone, co H, 7th Iowa, shoulder; Spencer L. Toll, Co I, 2nd Iowa, shoulder breast and arm John S Herbrick, co I, 2nd Iowa, thigh bone, severe; J J Woods, Colonel 11th Iowa, hand and leg, flesh.

Take off at Paducah to Hospital, very sick.

A H Smith, co H,6th Iowa; J W Dwegans co #. 11th Iowa;

– Published in the Burlington Weekly Hawk-Eye, Burlington, Iowa, Saturday, April 19, 1862

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