
Monday, March 30, 2009

Third Dispatch

A spirited engagement too place at Lavergne between the mechanics and engineers of Col. Innis’ and Gen. Whartson’s [sic] rebel cavalry. The latter were routed with a los of 33 killed.

All contrabands captured on Federal wagon trains are shot. Twenty of the killed are lying on the Murfreesboro pike.

Major Slemmer and Captain King wounded while in an ambulance, were captured by the rebels, taken four miles, paroled, and thrown out on the road.

General Willich was not killed, but wounded and taken prisoner yesterday.

General Rosecrans took command of the Fourth United States Cavalry, in person, and attacked General Wheeler’s Rebel Cavalry, who were cut to pieces and utterly routed.

Captain Meck, Chief of artillery, of Thomas’ Staff was mortally wounded.

Colonel Anderson’s dispatch to Headquarters says – We have whipped the rebels decidedly, and are at Christiana, 9 miles south of Murfreesboro, on the railroad.

– Published in the Zanesville Daily Courier, Zanesville, Ohio, Monday, January 5, 1863

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