
Thursday, April 16, 2009

Highly Gratifying Dispatch

Through the great kindness of D. Hull, Esq. we are permitted to copy the following dispatch, dated at Nashville to-day. We are glad that it is no worse with the brave boys:

Nashville. Jan. 6.

To D. Hull:

The 97th was in the six days’ battle. Geo. Campbell, just from the field, reports fifteen killed, wounded and missing. The killed are S Browning, and [Rodericher]. The wounded are Wm. Edgill, M Topier, M Dozier, Reolbery C Claspil, Bill and JohnMoore. All slightly. The Zanesville boys all right.

Captain and A.Q.M.

– Published in the Zanesville Daily Courier, Zanesville, Ohio, Tuesday, January 6, 1863

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