
Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Killed At Murfreesboro

Lieut. Timothy L. Condit, of the 1st Ohio Cavalry, was killed at the battle near Murfreesboro, Tenn. on the 1st inst. He was a young man of much promise and possessed an unexceptionable character. He was a resident of Marietta and a graduate of the College in that city, in the class of ’59, with the highest honors. His many friends and acquaintances in Zanesville will no doubt feel his loss.

“He is not lost! He Lives! He lives for aye.
To those rent hearts this healing hope is given,
When from our sight our loved ones pass away,
All that seems lost to earth is found in Heaven.”

– Published in the Zanesville Daily Courier, Zanesville, Ohio, Monday, January 12, 1862

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