
Thursday, April 23, 2009


BALTIMORE, April 14. – The U. S. Steamer Hercules, Thos. S. Dungan, commanding, arrived at this port this morning having with her the schooner Iseride, previously noticed as being captured, and the sloops Wren & Velma, both of Great Wicanoco, Western shore of Virginia. Also prizes on board the Velma, were five passengers from Richmond – one of them a captain in the rebel army. On searching the vessel there was found a large mail containing about 200 letters, a number of which were addressed to persons in Baltimore, and a large number of persons in various parts of the State of Maryland.

On searching the crew there was also found $5,000 in old Virginia notes. The Velma had sometime previously been cleared from this port for Parlance Sound with a cargo consisting of provisions of various kinds. This cargo, instead of being discharged in a Maryland port was taken over to the Great Wicomico River and there discharged within the boundaries of Virginia. The sloop in ballast was coming back to get a new cargo.

The rebel Captain previous to being captured burned his commission, remnants of which being found among the ashes, he acknowledge the fact, and also that he had been engaged in the battle of Manassas.

– Published in the Burlington Weekly Hawk-Eye, Burlington, Iowa, Saturday, April 19, 1862

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