
Sunday, April 5, 2009

Seventh Iowa

List of Killed, Wounded and Missing, in the Battle of Pittsburgh Landing, April 6th, 1862

George Pierson, Jacob Albertson, Co. A missing; Lamiel [sic] H. Shannon, Co. B Wounded in left ancle [sic] by musket ball; J. S. Ronsall, Co. C killed by shell; J. H. Simmons, Co. C killed; Wm. H. Todd, Co. C wounded in right temple; Wm. Valandigham, Co. C missing; D. L. Wilson, Co. D missing; N. P. Hewitt, Co D wounded in right arm, severely; Frank M. Redding, Co. D wounded in side, slightly; [Geo.] H. Youcam, Co. D wounded in shoulder, slightly; Issac Bunds, Co E killed; Jas. D. Beck, Co E missing; Wm. Davis Co. F missing; Saml. Reams, Co. F wounded in shoulder, severely; Amos B. Read, Co. F wounded in hip, severely; Joseph Shivly, Co. F wounded in arm, slightly; John Dillon, 1st Lieut. Co. G killed; Jonathan H. French, Co G killed; Michael Nannemaker, Co G wounded; Lucas Harrington, Co G wounded in hand; Junius Turner, Co G wounded in groin, slightly; Wm. Seaman Co G missing; Geo. Wills, Co. H. Killed; James F. Elliott, Co. H wounded in thigh, slightly; Geo. W. Hoag, Co. H Mortally wounded; Jas. Murray, Co I killed; Geo. M. D. Charlton, Co. K killed; Walter E. Freeman, Co. K; killed; Gilbert Wheller, Co. K wounded in left breast, severely; Jno. A Kneer, Co. K wounded in left hip, slightly. Jas. Lefler, Co. K wounded in right leg.

– Published in the Burlington Weekly Hawk-Eye, Burlington, Iowa, Saturday, April 19, 1862

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