
Saturday, April 25, 2009

Special to New York Papers

{Herald’s Dispatch}

WASHINGTON, April 13. – The rebellious ladies, Greenhow, Morris and Roxbury, have not yet packed their trunks for the South, as they are required to do, under the direction of the Commissioners and the order of the Military Governor. They are allowed to remain until their propositions are completed. Mrs. Greenhow is quite oracular in reference to the campaign. She predicts that Gen. McClellan will not be able to strike a blow at Yorktown for many days, and when he does he will be defeated by the rebel army which will be 125,000 strong.

{Tribune’s Dispatch}

Further information from Pittsburg Landing shows there was terrible carnage among the Illinois troops, of whom many regiments were in the battle. There were 4,000 troops from the 1st District (Washburne’s.) They lost two Colonels, Wise and Davis, Major Goddard, and many other officers. Many more known to have been wounded.

The Tribune’s special correspondent with Gen. McDowell’s command, reports all quiet on Cedar Run. Fifteen miles beyond Manassas, the railroad bridge at that point, destroyed by the rebels, will be reconstructed this week. The railroad track beyond Wayne will also be repaired. Rebel scouts are constantly hovering about our camps, and occasionally a straggler is picked up by our cavalry.

Two privates of Gen. Blenker’s Division, who said they had just returned from the Rappahanock, report that Gen. Blenker and his bodyguard had been surrounded by rebel cavalry and captured.

WASHINGTON, April 14 – Gen. Mitchell reports that he has occupied two other points on the Railroad – Decatur to the west and a station at some distance to the east of Huntsville.

The bill for emancipating the slaves in the District of Columbia was laid before the president at 4 o’clock this evening.

{World’s Dispatch}

An officer of the 77th New York regiment reports that four of Gen. Banks’ men have been found tied to a tree with their head shot off. – the story is not credited.

Specials state that Western despatches [sic] received at Washington reports that Fort Randolph is being strongly fortified by the rebels.

The Committee on the Conduct of the war are about to investigate the cause of the late surprise at Pittsburg Landing.

Several civilians may have been captured by the rebels while cursorily [hunting] around Manassas.

– Published in the Burlington Weekly Hawk-Eye, Burlington, Iowa, Saturday, April 19, 1862

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