
Wednesday, May 13, 2009

From The 8th Iowa Regiment

Mr. Editor: The following list of killed and wounded in Co. B, 8th Regiment Iowa Infantry (from Davenport) is contained in letter just received from Rev. C. G. Vanderveer, Chaplain of the regiment. The date of the letter is Camp Pittsburg, Tenn., April 10.


Robert Moody, Wm. Penrose, Salmon W. Kelly.


2d Lieut. Enos Tichenor; in right shoulder blade. Ball still in but wound not dangerous.
John D. Tichenor; flesh wound in right thigh, slight.
John S. Christian; flesh wound in left thigh. Badly, but not dangerously.
Wm. C. Logan; bruised by a shell on left side, slight.
J. L. McCullough; on crown of head.
Jacob Walker; flesh wound in breast.
Amos Merritt; flesh wounds in left arm above elbow, and left leg below knee.
Rudolph Murray; right arm below elbow. Ball in on the bone.
John A. Rown; right forefinger off at joint.
Whittaker Jaynes; right arm below elbow, one bone probably broken.
Wm. H. Golder; flesh wound in right arm below elbow.
Hiram Baxter; flesh wound in chest.
Simpson A. Walker; right hand.
Henry Simman; groin.
Newton Pursell; slightly.
Orlando R. Fluke; flesh wound in left arm above elbow.
John Moody; left cheek.
Christopher Quinn; flesh wound in calf of left leg.
Wm. Lemberg; left leg above ankle.

Mr. V. adds: “The nine men first named are in our hospital or quarters, and I have seen them. Most are walking about, but feel very sore. Both the Tichenors are doing very well. Christian is suffering considerably, but in time will undoubtedly be well again.”

He further says: “I have inquired about Wm. H. Howell. He is missing, undoubtedly taken prisoner with the balance of our regiment. I do not expect we shall see our regiment till the close of the war, unless some arrangement is made in the way of exchange. What will be done with the few who are left, about 83 fit for duty, I don’t know. So far as we have yet ascertained, our loss is about 50 killed, and 80 wounded. We have 34 of our wounded men in quarters and regimental hospital. – the balance are in various transports.”
J. N. Rogers

– Published in the Davenport Daily Gazette, Davenport, Iowa, Saturday, April 19, 1862

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