
Saturday, May 2, 2009

G. M. TODD, of this City . . .

. . . formerly one of the proprietors of the Iowa State Journal, is about to remove to Burlington, where, in company with Mr. Bentley, now of the Bloomfield Clarion, he will assume the joint management of a new Democratic paper, to be styled the Burlington Argus. The Argus will be a daily as well as a weekly. If this paper follows the example of the Dubuque Herald, Babbitt’s Bugle, or the State Journal of 1861, the good people of Burlington will kick it into the Mississippi river! But if, on the other hand it pursues a course of straight loyalty to the Government, and refuses to snigger in its sleeves over the repulses of Federal armies, and withal maintain a decent respect for the opinions of such Democrats as Coolsbaugh and Hall, it may not meet the hapless fate which has thus far overwhelmed ever Democratic paper started in Burlington.

– Published in the Daily State Register, Des Moines Iowa, Wednesday, April 23, 1862

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