
Saturday, May 9, 2009

Later from Pittsburgh

Gen. Halleck in Command

The Federal Army Confident and Ready for Another Battle.

ST. LOUIS, April 15. Several persons connected with the Army at Pittsburg, arrived yesterday. Among them is Capt. Lagrew, of Grant’s Staff, who is bearer of Grant’s official report of the battle at Pittsburg. They left the army on Friday night.

Gen. Halleck arrived at Pittsburgh on Friday, and immediately assumed command of the Army.

Grant, in his official report, estimates our loss at 1500 killed and 3500 wounded.

The loss of the enemy in killed and left on the field is greater than ours. In wounded, an estimate cannot be made, as many must have been sent to Corinth and other places.

The loss of artillery was very great, many pieces being disabled by the enemy’s shot, some loosing all their horses and many men. Not less than 200 horses were killed.

The rebel army has its out posts at the foot of Pea Ridge, extending eight miles from Corinth. The advance Federal troops are eight miles from Pittsburgh, leaving a space of only two miles between opposing armies. A battle may be brought on at any moment. We have the strongest [assurance] that our army is ready for the encounter.

– Published in the Burlington Weekly Hawk-Eye, Burlington, Iowa, Saturday, April 19, 1862

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