
Tuesday, May 5, 2009

A Richmond Editor Alarmed

FORTRESS MONROE, April 14. – A Richmond paper contains an editorial exhibiting considerable fear for the safety of that city. It intimates that the Monitor, Naugatuck and [Galena], all armored vessels, might easily come up the James river, and by their invulnerability and powerful guns take and keep possession of the city. To prevent such a result, it proposes that the channel of James River shall be obstructed by stone, which it says is abundant for the purpose, and should be used at once.

The Merrimac has not come out, and nothing has been seen of her to-day. The tide has been low, and this may have kept her in.

Early in the morning a rebel tug ran out from behind Sewall’s Point but returned. Later in the day there was a large fire in the woods on the point, apparently from the burning of the brush, and gave rise to some speculation that the rebels were building a new battery there.

– Published in the Burlington Weekly Hawk-Eye, Burlington, Iowa, Saturday, April 19, 1862

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