
Saturday, May 30, 2009

Victory At Pittsburg, Tenn.

With the news of the surrender of Island Number Ten, came the news also of a brilliant victory by Gen. Grant, at Pittsburgh, Tenn.

The meagre account given in the dispatches of this battle gives us to understand that it was a hard fought one, but none the less glorious in its results. The rebels were defeated, and dispersed in all directions. Gen. Grant was pursuing them in hot haste. The battle lasted nearly a whole day.

LATER. – Since writing the above we have received dispatches which state that the battle began on Saturday and continued during the day. Our forces were that day repulsed with a loss of 3000 killed and several hundred taken prisoners! Gen. Buell came to Gen. Grant’s assistance the next morning, Sunday. This day the rebels were repulsed with terrible loss on both sides. Ours stated to be from 18,000 to 20,000 the rebels from 35,000 to 40,000!! This must be fearfully exaggerated. We will await details with great interest. There is a possibility of Gen. Mitchell’s Division being in the battle. Several hundred men from Athens county were in this Division. The 18th and 3rd Regiments are in it.

– Published in The Athens Messenger, Athens, Ohio, Thursday, April 10, 1862

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