
Monday, June 1, 2009

The Battle Of Winchester

Secretary Seward Visited Winchester on the 28th of last month. A splendid reception was given him and the party which accompanied him. Speaking of the bravery of officers and the gallantry of the troops, a correspondent of the Cincinnati Gazette says:

The real hero of the day, however, was Col. E. B. Tyler, commanding our Third Brigade. It was he who led the storming party on our right. He told his men to “remember Cross lanes, and shoot low.” And well did they do their duty. Truly, Cross Lanes has been revenged in the battle of Winchester.

Speaking of the loss, he says:

Our total loss will amount to about 100 killed and 400 wounded. Many of the wounds, however, are slight. The rebel loss is about 1,000 killed, wounded and prisoners.

Gen. Shields is speedily recovering from his wound.

What will the slanderous Chaplain Brown who deserted the 7th regiment because he thought Col. Tyler was a coward say to his noble conduct at Winchester? We knew Col. Tyler would prove this man a liar and a slanderer.

– Published in The Athens Messenger, Athens, Ohio, Thursday, April 10, 1862

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