
Saturday, June 20, 2009

Governor Tod to the Ohio Volunteers at Pittsburg Landing

COLUMBUS, O, April 13 – Gov. Tod has sent the following dispatch to the Ohio troops engaged in the recent battle at Pittsburg Landing, Tenn

“In behalf of the loyal citizens of the State you love so much, I tender their profound thanks for the gallantry, courage [and] endurance you have displayed.

“Thank God, from the best information in our possession, we are able to claim that Ohio’s soldiers did their duty. Those, yet in the field, we are sanguine, will avenge the deaths of their brave comrades, who fell on the 6th & 7th. On then, gallant volunteers of Ohio, and win new laurels for our State. With one heart the friends you left at home are caring, as Ohio mothers, wives, sisters, fathers and brothers know how to care for their sick and wounded husbands sons and brothers.”

– Published in The Athens Messenger, Athens, Ohio, Thursday Morning, April 24, 1862

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