
Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Iowa Legislature

DES MOINES, April 3, 1862.


The House yesterday, passed the [Senate’s] Estray bill, which provides that notices of strays shall have one publication in the county paper, and two publications in the “Homestead,” the Agricultural paper published here. A copy of the estray sheet shall be sent to every county in the State, so that each county may know about the estrays in every part of the State. This arrangement may be of some practical benefit, but it will be in opposition to this matter in other States if it does. It is, however, a parcel of that system which the Assembly of this state seem determined to adopt, of cutting everything, as far as possible, that gives any support to the county papers.

The Senate passed the House Railroad bill yesterday with some modifications. Another was also passed requiring officers of Railroad Companies to reside within the State. This bill is a modification of the one introduced by your excellent Senator Mr. FOOTE, in the early part of the session. And I take pleasure here in bearing testimony to the ability and influence of Mr. Foote. As a member of the Senate Railroad committee, he has been instrumental in securing legislation which, while not oppressive to the Railroads, is absolutely necessary in order to protect the people of the State. He occupies a very honorable and influential position in the Senate, as one of its most practical, Clear-headed and useful members.

The Senate is much behind in legislation and it will be almost impossible for them to take action upon all matters before them. The House has gone through with nearly all its work and will have to wait on the Senate, unless they stop their unlimited discussions very soon. I am not sure, however, if it would not be a blessing to the State if about two-thirds of the bills under consideration were kicked under the table.

T. H. S.

– Published in the Burlington Weekly Hawk-Eye, Burlington, Iowa, Saturday, April 12, 1862

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