
Tuesday, June 23, 2009

The Judicial Election

Next Tuesday the citizens of this Judicial district are called upon to elect a Judge of the Circuit Court. Marion Williamson, Esq., of Peoria, a lawyer of high standing and a reliable Union man, has been nominated by the Union men of Peoria and Stark counties as their candidate for that office.

Mr. Williamson, we are informed, until the breaking out of the rebellion, had always been identified with the Democratic party. – When your country was first assailed by traitors and threatened with destruction, he boldly espoused the cause of his country, and ever since has given a hearty support to the Government in its efforts to crush the rebellion, regardless of all political associations. – Just such a man we want for Judge. One who is honest, competent, faithful to his country and untrammeled by political prejudices. Will the Union men of Stark county turn out and give Mr. Williamson their full support at the ballot box next Tuesday?

– Published in the Stark County News, Toulon, Illinois, Thursday, November 12, 1863

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