
Monday, June 22, 2009

The Relief Fund

The Corresponding Secretary of the Relief Association has handed us the following list of contributions obtained by Mr. James Herron in Blue Grass township. A much larger amount can no doubt be raised when the roads become better. There is a sub-collector in the western townships, who will start out when the traveling becomes good: Dr. G. W. Carter, $3; Christian Meeks, $1; G. W. Baker, $1; Wm. Saunman, $1;G. W. Thorn, $2; J. B. Jacobs, $1; John Benshoop, Sr., $2; Rev. H. A. Barclay, $1; Mrs. Ellen McNissen, $1; J. F. Campbell, $1; James Vanevera, $1; Peter Wilson, $1; Alexander Wilson, $1; Wm. A. Foster $1; Wm. Dougherty, $1; Theodore Hartwell, $1; Dr. Fuils, $1; James Herron, $1.

– Published in the Davenport Daily Gazette, Davenport, Iowa, Wednesday Morning, April 16, 1862

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