
Thursday, June 4, 2009

Young Spellitich

We received the following letter yesterday from Lieut. Bing. It has been so long since we received the article referred to that we do not remember its author’s name. We publish the Lieutenant’s letter that the facts in the case may become known:

PITTSBURG LANDING, Tenn., April 3, 1862

MR. SANDERS – Dear Sir: In your paper of the 18th ult. there appears to be a communication signed “A Comrade,” which I observe has attracted considerable attention. The writer of it drew altogether on his imagination for his facts. But since the article has been brought to the notice of Gen. Halleck and the State authorities, I deem it my duty to ask you for the name of the author, in order that he may be punished for lying.

I will just say in conclusion, that young Spellitich did behave with remarkable coolness and bravery for one so young – so much so that I thought proper to make special mention of him in my official report. He did throw off his overcoat, etc., and fought till the close of the action with a coolness which could not easily be surpassed; but the store about his standing on the breastwork and depositing his ammunition in a pile, and wrestling a rifle from a rebel, etc. has no foundation in fact.

Respectfully, Alfred Bing

– Published in the Davenport Daily Gazette, Davenport, Iowa, Saturday, April 19, 1862

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