
Thursday, July 23, 2009

Aid Society

Since the organization of the Society the following number of boxes have been forwarded: Two, one containing fruit, wine, jelly, &c., the other bedding, pillows, shirts, drawers and towels, to the Eighteenth regiment.

March 27, a large box was sent to the Cincinnati Sanitary Commission.

A supply of jelly, fruit and wine was collected for the 75th regiment, but learning their need was supplied, or would be, and the difficulty of sending to Huttonville determined the Society in sending all stores to the Sanitary Commission; accordingly last Friday two boxes containing the following articles were sent: 6 cans fruit, 6 jars jelly, 9 bottles wine, 2 papers farina, 4 corn starch, 5 lbs blackberries, 1 bottle catsup, 1 package oat meal, 1 package crackers, 1 sack dired apples, 72 bandages, 3 comforts, 15 pillows, 32 towels, 15 pairs socks, 1 pair woolen drawers, 6 half-worn shirts, 32 pin balls, 8 straw ticks, 8 shirts, 14 sheets, 3 double gowns, 3 blankets 1 quilt, 6 pillow slips, 6 boxes lint.

– Published in The Athens Messenger, Athens, Ohio, Thursday, April 24, 1862

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