
Tuesday, July 14, 2009

A correspondent of the Indianapolis Journal . . .

. . . writing from Jones’ Island near Fort Pulaski on the 30th ult, says that the closing up of the water approaches to the fort and to Savannah, was accomplished only by the herculean labors of our troops. No less than 30,000 trees were felled, and carried by the soldiers of the 48th New York a distance of two miles, to the river, and then towed by night in scows, five miles to Jones’ Island, where they were used for tramways over which to wheel the heavy cannon which would otherwise have stuck un the mud. The garrison of Fort Pulaski numbered 362 men, among whom were many Germans, who expressed great dissatisfaction, according to deserters, who also say that the Unionists are beginning to talk boldly in Savannah, and to rejoice over Union victories.

– Published in the Burlington Weekly Hawk-Eye, Burlington, Iowa, Saturday, April 12, 1862

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