
Sunday, July 19, 2009

Haines’ Legal Advisors

The November number of HAINES LEGAL ADVISOR contains a great amount of legal information, useful not only to lawyers, but to every business man, and public officer, as well as the general reader. The articles of Prof. Parsons, on commercial law are continued. It likewise contains notes of recent decisions of the Illinois Supreme Court; a Digest of the decisions of said Court, on Promissory Notes; numerous late regulations and decisions concerning the CONSCRIPTION LAW and the DRAFT, and the NATIONAL TAX LAW, with many other subjects. Every lawyer, public officer, and tax payer, should subscribe for it. Terms, One Dollar a year. Address E. M. Haines, Chicago, Illinois.

– Published in the Stark County News, Toulon, Illinois, Thursday, November 12, 1863

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