
Monday, July 27, 2009

Stark County Teachers’ Institute

Resolutions adopted at the late session of the Stark County Teachers’ Institute:

Resolved, That we cannot too highly comment to the favorable attention of the people or too strongly impress upon their minds the great importance of securing for the instruction of the young, the most competent teachers – those who not only have adequate knowledge of the branches of education to be taught, and excellent moral characters, but also a cultivated faculty for imparting instruction in the best ascertained and most efficient modes, - and that as one of the best means for teachers to acquire a knowledge of both the science and art of teaching, we earnestly urge the claims of the Teachers’ Institute, and we appeal to the public for countenance, encouragement and support.

2. That we believe the course pursued by many teachers in our county, refusing to attend and participate in the Teachers’ Institute as detrimental to their usefulness as teachers and as dwarfing the interests of our common school system.

3. That we respectfully request our County School Commissioner in granting certificates to applicants to impress upon their minds the importance of making use of all means within their reach to prepare them for their calling, and that teachers who willfully persist in refusing to thus qualify themselves may be denied certificates.

4. That too high praise can hardly be accorded to Prof. W. A. Jones, the Principal of the Toulon High School, for his efforts in behalf of this Institute and for the cause of education generally, and in which he displays such an interest, capacity, and proficiency, and that we commend his school and system of instruction to the people of Stark County as of the best in the country.

5. That each school district in this county should be supplied with a set of outline maps and Webster’s Unabridged Dictionary, by the directors of such district.

6. That the tanks of the members of the institute are hereby tendered to those School Commissioners, teachers and friends of education from abroad, who have been present and assisted in the exercises of the Institute, thereby adding to the interest and the usefulness of the session.

7. That the tanks of the members of this Institute are hereby tendered to the citizens of Toulon whose courtesies and hospitalities have been so generously extended to those in attendance from out of town.

8. That our thanks are also tendered to the President, Secretary and other officers and critics of the Institute, for the efficient and courteous manner in which they have discharge their respective duties.

9. That we tender our hearty thanks to our musical friends who have added so much to the interest and pleasure of the exercises by their sweet and enlivening entertainments.

10. That the secretary of this Institute be instructed to furnish a copy of the proceedings for publication in the Stark County News.

– Published in the Stark County News, Toulon, Illinois, Thursday, April 23, 1863

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