
Saturday, July 4, 2009

Surrender of Fort Pulaski

BALTIMORE, April 15.

The Savannah Republican of the 12th announces the unconditional surrender of Fort Pulaski, in the previous day. Seven large breaches were made in the walls by our batteries of Parrott guns at King’s Landing, and all the barbette guns on that side and three casemate guns were dismounted. – Three balls entered the magazine.

Col. Olmstead, the rebel commander, signaled the day previous to the surrender that our fire was so terrible that no human being could stand upon the parapet for even a minute.

FORT MONROE, April 14.

A flag of truce went up to Craney Island this p.m., and brought back two Norfolk papers. They were taken to headquarters and although containing the important information of the unconditional surrender of Fort Pulaski, an effort was made in accordance with the policy that prevails here, to keep even good news from the representatives of the press. I am, however, able to give you the substance of the glorious news published in the Savannah Republican. The Republican says substantially that it learns with deep regret that after a gallant defense against guns mostly superior, Fort Pulaski surrendered at 2 p.m. yesterday, the 11th.

Corporal Law, of the Pulaski Guards, who did not leave Fort Thunderbolt until after the flag was hauled down, brings the intelligence of the successful event. The surrender was unconditional.

Seven large breaches were made in the south wall by the Federal battery of eight Parrott guns, at Knight’s Landing.

All the barbette guns on that side were dismounted, and also three casemate guns, leaving but one gun bearing on that point. A clear breach was made in the magazine. The balls used were conical, and were propelled with such force that they went clear through the walls at nearly every fire. Col. Almsted [sic], who was in command, telegraphed the previous evening that no one could stand upon the ramparts for a single moment, and that over 1,000 large shells had exploded within the fort.

The Republican publishes the above as a postscript to a part of its edition and makes comments, nor gives any particulars as to the number of men and officers in the fort at the time of the surrender. It says however, none of it’s defenders were killed and but four wounded.

A Richmond paper contains and editorial exhibiting considerable fear for the safety of that city. It intimates that the Monitor may attack, and the Galena and all armored vessels might easily come up James river, and by their invulnerability and powerful guns, take and keep possession of the city. To prevent such a result it proposes that the channel of James river shall be obstructed by stone, which it says is abundant for the purpose and should be used at once.

The Merrimac has not come out, and nothing has been seen of her to-day. The tide has been low and this may have kept her in.

Early in the morning a rebel tug ran out from behind Sewall’s Point, but soon returned.

Later in the day there was a large fire in the woods on the Point, apparently from the burning of the brush, and gave rise to some speculations that the rebels were building a new battery there.

– Published in the Davenport Daily Gazette, Davenport, Iowa, Wednesday Morning, April 16, 1862, p. 1

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