
Friday, July 24, 2009

Trophies of Island No. 10.

Our forces have made a large haul at this stronghold of rebellion – the gross estimated value being two millions of dollars.

250 [hhds] of sugar.
2,500 bbls of molasses, and vast quantities of other commissary stores.
100 cannon.
400 wagons.
125 horses.
5,000 stand of small arms.
30 pieces of artillery.
5,000 blankets, other clothing, &c.
60,000 solid shot.
10,000 bls of powder and vast quantities of other articles, besides –
13 steamboats.
4 bloating battery.

Besides 5,000 prisoners, chiefly valuable for their inability to do further mischief, among whom are one Major General – McCoun [sic], and three Brigadier Generals – Walker, Grant and Schaum.

A portion of these prisoners will soon be at Camp Randall, to spend a few months for their healths.

– Published in the Appleton Crescent, Appleton, Wisconsin, Saturday, April 19, 1862

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