
Sunday, August 16, 2009

Iowa Items

The rivers of Iowa are having a good time all to themselves; which is more than can be said of the dwellers on their banks; a number of buildings have been started from their positions at Des Moines, and a large number of families have been obliged to leave their furniture in the safest places in their houses, and escape in skiffs to higher grounds, sick people have been hurried from their homes in skiffs. There is consequently much suffering among a portion of the people at the Capital.

The Des Moines Register says that fourteen men of the 4th infantry, wounded at the battle of Pea Ridge have died since the battle.

Captain Granville Berkley of company F 2d Iowa Cavalry, was mustered out of the service on March 29th.

Samuel M. Wise, a Captain in the Iowa First Infantry, has been commissioned Maj. Of the 17th Regiment, Col Rankin.

The 17th regiment has been formally accepted by the War Department. It has 900 men now in camp at Keokuk, and 200 more on the way there.

– Published in The Davenport Daily Gazette, Davenport, Iowa, Wednesday Morning, April 16, 1862, p. 2

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