
Saturday, August 1, 2009

The Itasca came up Sunday morning . . .

. . . bringing several wounded. Capt. Abe Wilkin and Lieut. Halliday came on her; also Captain Moore of Bloomfield. They are at the Wilkin House. Neither of them is dangerously, altho’ all are severely wounded. Capt. Moore is shot through both legs. Captain Wilkin through the arm and Lieut. Halliday in the thigh. Lieut. H. was a prisoner with the rebels one day – says there are a few among the secessionists who are intelligent and gentlemanly, but the great body of the rank and file are awful hard, the less that is said about them the better. While he lay upon the field Beauregard was pointed out to him by a wounded rebel. He saw Dr. Edelin and Dr. Pendleton, both belonging to the rebel Cavalry.

– Published in The Burlington Weekly Hawk-Eye, Burlington, Iowa, Saturday, April, 26, 1862

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