
Thursday, August 20, 2009

List of Dead, 15th Regiment

Out of 32 officers, 16 were either killed or wounded. The dead are:

Company A, Lieut. Pennyman, P. H. Kennedy and Wm. Wood; Co. B, Wensell; Co. C, Bardrick; Co. D, Orderly Sergt. Fowler, Jos. Ryan, Geo. Trick; Co. E, Corporal Billy Clark, privates Payton, John McCord, J. W. Fonts; Co. F, Thayer, Troth, Russell, Co. G. Figgins; Co. H, Crill; Co. I, Lieut. Hamilton, privates James Doyle and Crookman; Co. C, Mickler, Holmes.

Wounded – Corporal Keck, Co. I, through the lungs, and will die; Jimmy Murphy, Harry Morgan, and a number of others are wounded.

– Published in The Burlington Weekly Hawk-Eye, Burlington, Iowa, Saturday, April 26, 1862, p. 1

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