
Wednesday, August 12, 2009

List of Killed and wounded in the 11th Iowa, at the Battle of Pittsburg Landing, April 6th and 7th, 1862

Col Hare, Acting Brigadier, wounded severely in right hand.

Lt Col Hall, commanding the regiment wounding in ankle slightly.

Maj Abercrombie, wounded in head slightly.


Killed. – Wm Fieldman; Jno Geodocke; Geo W Callender

Wounded. – 1st Lt J W Anderson, head, slightly; Sergt Shellabarger, arm; Corp Corwin, foot; Corp J M Taylor, back, slightly; Corp R Livingston, hand. Privates – C Enstler, finger lost; B Thetman, back; J S Stretch, head, severely; J Oakes, shoulder; L W Gates, finger, H Vankiessild, leg, slightly; C Kingsland, hip, slightly; E Fortmaylor, shoulder, severely; C Gesler, leg, slightly; Wm Reid, leg.

Three killed; 15 wounded.


Killed – Corp Wm F Hough, Hardin Co.

Wounded – Slightly – Capt. Chas Foster, wrist; Orderly Akers, thigh; Corp B V Hersey, hand. Privates – Daniel Dale, hand; Addison Garwood, hand; C N Hammond, Neck; John Rutan, hand; David Shafer abdomen. Severely, Martin Denbow, neck; Geo Haworth, thigh; John W Ramsey, arm; Wm N Strest, arm; Jas Fitzgerald, arm; Thos C Smith; Shoulder.

One killed; 14 wounded.


Killed - Saml Fritz.

Wounded – Gerodes Wyncoop, wrist, slightly; Corp Jos W Moore, leg, slightly. Privates – Severely, A E Campbell, shoulder; G W Livingston, shoulder, dead; Wm Harp, jaw; Henry Miller, neck; Wm Edmondson, arm; Jas C Duncan, arm. Slightly, S. H Caldwell, shoulder; Jas W Watts, head; John H. Patton, foot; Javid Cummins, head; Jos Manners, head; Thos Reid, shoulder; Chalmers Reynolds, head.

One killed; 15 wounded.


Killed – Sargt [sic] Henry Sibert. Privates – Thos Carey; Peter Craven; Wm Leverich; Wm White.

Wounded – Sergt Beecher Chatfield, ankle, slightly; Corp John Huges, face, severely; Corp Walter G Rogers, breast and back, severely; Corp Alex Thom, hip, slightly. Privates – Severely, F M Edge, hand; Jno Millsop, arm; R R McRea, mouth. Slightly, F B Herr, foot; Christian Herr, neck; Chas Laport, wrist, Oregon Prescott, breast; S N Rucker, thigh, Ira H Shifflett, hip; J J Hamlin, both arms.

Five killed; 16 wounded.


Killed – 1st Lt J F Compton; Sergt E McLoney; Privates T M Hainey, C Frink, G Crooks, John Buckman.

Wounded – Slightly, Corpl J M Daniels, in hand; Privates B Bossart, side; A H Hatch, shoulder; E Mooney, shoulder; C Rankin, shoulder; M Wiggins, shoulder; H C McBobot, side; M Musency, leg; G Simmons, knee. Severely, F Dwiggins, in hip; E Crisman, Arm broken.

Six killed and eleven wounded.


Killed – Corpls G I Barnes and Martin A McLain; Private H H Riley.

Wounded – Seriously, 1st Lt J D Miles; Sergt N L McKinney, leg; Privates S S Lytle, shoulder; T Campbell, shoulder; Jno Williams, head; W Whicher, leg. – Slightly, Sergt E G Jackson, side; Corpl Jackson Coulter, arm; Privates Taylor Thomas, hand; John Keting, finger; W P Shelton, leg; Isaac Martin, hand; John Ralston, hand; David Jones, hand; Alex Capen foot.

Three killed, sixteen wounded.


Killed - Privates Wm Black, Theodore Pallet, Mortimer Hobart.

Wounded – 2d Lt G W Barr, arm, seriously; Corpl Geo McNeely, hand, slightly; Privates Clinton Hull, neck, seriously; Osco Conner, leg, severely. Slightly, Lamson Crooks, bruised; Wm Linkins, bruised; C Daily, hand, M J Miller, knee.

Three killed, Eight wounded.


Killed – Henry C Ady; Finley H Newal; Wm E Mikesell.

Wounded – Slightly, 1st Lieut Geo D Magoon. Severely, Corpl Wm Herr, head; Corpl Thos G Lewis, shoulder. Slightly, privates Wm A Gordon, thigh; Warren Evans, leg; Jas M Allen; Conrad Kraus; Wm Richards, head; Isaac L Small, foot; M N Kneese, breast; G A Morgridge, shoulder; Wm D Ady, shoulder; D Brookhart, head. Severely, Jno Zoellna, foot; August Krause, face. Slightly, B K Wintermute, arm and leg.

Three killed and sixteen wounded.


Killed - Sergt E Daniels; privates Madison Rayburn, John Hester.

Wounded – Slightly, 2d Lt A B Wiles, neck; Sergt J E Orowder, finger. Severely, Corpl Wm Hall, leg; R L Miller, arm; privates Jno Taulman, since dead; thos McKeaugh, breast; G F Greenhow, head; A Wilson, leg; Wm Craig, leg; Z Beal, leg; H Hinkhouse, leg; H Barnholdt, foot; J B Sullivan, arm; P E Shaw, thigh and arm; P C Enermim, shoulder and hand. Slightly, John Gatton, shoulder; Wm H Gard, shoulder; Riley Pennel, leg; John Leach, arm; Chas Hooner, shoulder; Wm Etherton, hand; M Kief, abdomen; S Mattern, leg; John Wesson, head; Peter Davis, shoulder, Orlando McGrue, nose.

Three Killed and twenty-six wounded.


Killed - Private S Bogart.

Wounded - Slightly, Capt John C Marvin leg. Severely, 2d Lt O P Kinsman; Sergt Chas Mason, arm and side; Corporal John Dance, arm. Slightly, L. Davis, Leg. Seriously, Privates S Gearhart, writs; J. Wilkinson, arm, side and hip. Slightly, John Elder, arm and side; B Flanharts, leg; m. Lattimer, foot; R. Smith hand.

Missing – Private Wm W. Mitchell.

One killed, eleven wounded; one missing.


Company A:
Killed 3
Wounded 15

Company B:
Killed 1
Wounded 14

Company C:
Killed 1
Wounded 15

Company D:
Killed 5
Wounded 16

Company E:
Killed 6
Wounded 11

Company F:
Killed 3
Wounded 16

Company G:
Killed 3
Wounded 8

Company H:
Killed 3
Wounded 16

Company I:
Killed 3
Wounded 26

Company K:
Killed 1
Wounded 11
Missing 1
Total Killed: 29
Total Wounded: 148
Total Missing: 1
Total: 178

Two of the wounded are known to have died. A few others probably will die, but I hope not many. The wounded are either on boats, or in hospitals at Savannah, and are as well taken care of perhaps as is possible in the circumstances. But doubtless great numbers have died, and will die, who might have been saved if they could at once have received the surgeon’s attention, and the nursing of home.


- Published in The Davenport Daily Gazette, Davenport, Iowa, Wednesday Morning, April 16, 1862

* Reformatted

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