
Monday, August 10, 2009

New Exchanges

THE PEORIA TRANSCRIPT; of which we publish the Prospectus in another column, is decidedly an able and spirited Daily, Tri-weekly and Weekly Journal, and its enterprising publishers deserve great credit for keeping it up to the standard of a first class city paper through all these years of financial difficulties which have effected more or less every business enterprise. It ought to circulate in our County still more extensively than it does; as the interests of Peoria and Stark are in many respects identical.

PETERSON. – We have just received the December number of this beautiful Magazine, and are bound to say it is unsurpassed by any periodical of its class. Price and all considered it is unrivaled. How the publishers manage to get it up for two dollars a year, at these times, they probably know, but we do not. We intend to publish the Prospectus next week when we shall have a more 'roomy’ paper.

KNICKERBOCKER. – This old pioneer of literary monthlies is also at hand, full, as ever, of choice original matter. “Nick” is an old acquaintance of ours, but has never circulated in these parts as it deserves to. Prospectus next week.

– Published in the Stark County News, Toulon, Illinois, Thursday, November 12, 1863

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