
Tuesday, August 11, 2009

The South Tier Democrat charges . . .

. . . that we have tampered with and bought up the Express Agents to induce them to keep back the Hawk-Eye for the benefit of the Gate City. And the Hawk-Eye and Constitution circulate the charge, thereby striving to convey the impression to their readers that the Express Agents are scoundrels and we are knavish enough to by their services.

Why the editors of those papers should be so willing to give circulation to such calumnious accusations the public must judge for themselves. All we have to say in response is that we have found the Express Agents gentlemanly in their conduct and honorable in their dealings with us, and do not believe them the kind of men that these papers make them out. We have never employed them to carry the Gate City, and that fact alone knocks the bottom out of the preposterous charge. – { Gate City.

Why the Gate should make an association of the character of the above, we are at a loss to determine. We copied the articles of the South Tier Democrat, but exculpated Express Messengers from blame, and as the only way we could solve the matter, presumed there was a mistake. We have never blamed either the American or United States Companies, or any of their messengers, and so stated, in the remarks appended to the Democrat’s article. The Gate is very thin skinned or it would not harp upon this matter.

– Published in the Burlington Daily Hawk-Eye, Burlington, Iowa, Thursday, April 10, 1862

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