
Sunday, September 13, 2009

Deaths of Iowa Soldiers In St. Louis

There were 85 deaths in the Military Hospitals and camps in the vicinity of St. Louis during the week ending April 19. Twenty of this number were prisoners of war. The remainder were from the loyal States including the following from Iowa.

April 14, Wm. Butler, corporal, Co. E, 16th Iowa
April 16, J. J. Talbott, Co. H, 3d Iowa
April 16, Seldon G. Kirkpatrick, Co. E, 2nd Iowa
April 18, Andrew Statten, Co. D, 2nd Iowa
April 18, T. B. Jones, Co. C, 6th Iowa
April 19, T. M. Sosebee, Co F, 15th Iowa
April 19, T. McMough, Co. I, 11th Iowa
April 19, C. Johnson, Co. E, 12th Iowa

– Published in The Burlington Weekly Hawk-Eye, Burlington, Iowa, Saturday, April 26, 1862, p. 2

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