
Thursday, September 10, 2009

The following Telegraphic dispatch . . .

. . . from the gallant and active Gen. Mitchel, was on Wednesday evening, received by a friend and relative in New York.

Huntsville, Apr. 15, 1862.

The enemy have burned bridges to stop my advance upon Chattanooga, and have used the same brilliant strategy to hold my columns back from Corinth; but for this we should have entered Tuscumbia and Florence. He have penetrated a magnificent cotton region, have taken and now hold and run more than 100 miles of railway, well stocked with machinery and in fin condition. I have abandoned the idea of ever coming nearer to an enemy than long cannon range. This is the third state through which I have hunted him without success.

O. M. MITCHEL, Brigadier General

– Published in The Burlington Weekly Hawk-Eye, Burlington, Iowa, Saturday, April 26, 1862, p. 2

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