
Thursday, September 24, 2009

From the 13th Iowa Regiment

We have been kindly permitted to publish the following private letter form Lieut. Col. Price to Hon. J. F. Dillon:

PITTSBURG, Tenn., April 8, 1862.

I am alive and whole skinned, though not perfectly well. We have had one of the hardest fights ever waged anywhere. It began Sunday morning, and while I write it is still progressing, although we have driven the rebels some eight or ten miles from our camp. It is estimated that there are about 5,000 of our men killed. Our regiment, the 13th Iowa, was ordered to their position in advance about 7 o’clock a.m. We made three different stands, and were driven back twice. At the second fight the Major (Shane) was shot through the shoulder and carried off the field. At the third stand I was slightly damaged by a shell, which cut the limbs from a tree over me, and one of the branches struck me in the small of the back and on the back of the head. A ball also struck me on the shoulder and one on the leg, but this (Tuesday) morning I am well enough, except that my back is still painfully weak. You know a year ago I had a very weak back arising from a sprain. I do not want you to allow any one to come after me, it is not necessary. Unless I get better of my back, I shall apply for a leave of absence. The firing has almost ceased, and is now becoming distant and indistinct. The victory is ours, although at the sacrifice of many lives. Oh the horrible sight of the battle-field!

Lt. Col. Hall, of the 11th Iowa, Col. Chambers of the 16th Iowa, Col. Crocker, 13th Iowa, Major Shane, 13th Iowa, and myself are wounded, myself the least. I think we have had 100 of our men (13th Iowa) killed, besides the wounded.

Yours, &c.,

– Published in The Davenport Daily Gazette, Davenport, Iowa, Thursday Morning, April 17, 1862, p. 2

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