
Tuesday, September 22, 2009

The Iowa Troops

Now that letters are being received from our correspondents we find that, as usual, the Iowa troops occupied the van both at Island No. 10 and in the terrible engagement at Pittsburg Landing. Mr. Diffenbacher, in his letter published this morning, says that the Iowa 2d Cavalry were the first to ender the rebel’s camp on Island No. 10. Gen. Pope, it seems, stole a march on Com. Foote and our Iowa boys had the satisfaction of being the first Federal troops to land on the Island after the surrender of the enemy.

Mr. Whittlesey, in his letter, which we also have the satisfaction of giving our readers this morning, says that the first serious check that the enemy received, when by stealth they came upon the Iowa troops, was from the 11th Iowa regiment and Taylor’s battery. For hours these troops kept the enemy at bay and had the former been relieved long enough to procure ammunition, the left wing of the rebels, though numbering six to one of our men, would have been turned and the whole rebel army been flanked and the terrible disaster of the day prevented.

Thus we see that the brave Iowa troops are never found wanting, but like men fighting for their country and all their harts hold dear, stake their lives and their honor on each contest and in every case come off victorious. Iowa has one a name in this war that we hope will remain undimmed until its close and encircle her with such a halo of glory, that no prouder title can be bestowed than that of being a citizen of the glorious Hawkeye State.

– Published in The Davenport Daily Gazette, Davenport, Iowa, Thursday Morning, April 17, 1862, p. 2

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