
Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Report of Brig.-Gen. Hurlbut

Brig.-Gen. Hurlbut commanded the 4th Division at the battle of Pittsburg Landing or Shiloh. His report is too long for publication in these columns. He makes the following favorable mention of Lieut. Session of the 3d Iowa.

Col. Pugh desires special mention to be made of Lieut. F. Session, of the Third Iowa, A. A. A G. My own observation confirms his report and I recommend Lieut. Session to the favorable consideration of the Department.

Speaking of the Third Iowa he says:

So great were the casualties among the officers, that the Third Iowa Regiment went into action on Monday in command of a First Lieutenant.

No higher praise has been given to any who fought on that bloody field than to Brig.-Gen. Lauman and his Indiana and Kentucky regiments.

Brigadier-General J. G. Lauman, commanding the Third Brigade, took command early the day before the battle. The Brigade and their commander know each other now. I saw him hold the right of my line on Sunday with this small body of gallant men, only 1,717 strong, for three hours, and then, when changed over to the left, repel the attack of twice his force for a full hour, of hard fighting, closing by most gallant and successful charge, which gave him time to draw off his force in order and comparative safety. – His report renders full justice to his officers, among whom Col. Reed of the 44th Indiana was especially distinguished.

– Published in The Burlington Weekly Hawk-Eye, Burlington, Iowa, Saturday, April 26, 1862, p. 2

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