
Friday, October 9, 2009

From Gen. Curtis’s Army

A letter was published in Der Demokrat yesterday from Mr. Th. Holm, Dated at Keitsville, April 2d, in which the writer says that Mr. Henne is nearly well, and will be able to travel in a few weeks. Mr. Holm describes some horrible sights which he has witnessed there among the wounded, among them a Lieut. Tuck, only nineteen years old, who had lost both eyes by a ball. He says no forage could be obtained within thirty miles, as the whole country had been thoroughly foraged, and the soldiers were on half rations; and adds, “The whole army is retreating from Keitsville, and the wounded are left here. In the end we may all be taken prisoners, as there are only a few cavalry left here.” He represents the prospect for the national arms by no means flattering in that portion of the country.

– Published in the Davenport Daily Gazette, Davenport, Iowa, Friday Morning, April 18, 1862, p. 2

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